Poor Tim Wakefield. I was right, to a certain respect. He gave up five runs, three earned. The other two came on errors though, and catcher Josh Bard had four passed balls. Wily Mo Pena hit his second homer, but the Sox fell to 13-8. Josh Beckett will have to revive the Red Sox. He is still 3-0. Click here for the boxscore.
I understand about the "Yankees s**k", but how about the Yankee fans??! They chant things too, for instance, "Who's your Daddy" and I've heard "Red Sox su*k". Not you of course. Can't wait either.
Cool post Markus.
Yah I know, but still, how do you know they never chant you know what, and that the Red Sox do? Do you like live in New York or something? Just curious.
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