Friday, May 12, 2006

Back for a Day

Well, I had a blast in Oklahoma, courtesy of the Kolb's, Moore's, Mai's,Ninnemann's,Paul's, and last but not least, the Pruett's.

On Tuesday, we pulled in to the Kolb's at noon, and spent the rest of the day and night there. Wednesday, everybody prepared a picnic for us, and even the Mazzocolli's were there to say hi. We had a few technical difficulties, with rain, and a few small arguing issues, but never-the-less, after we all decided to go over to the PBC(Providence Baptist Church), we all played in the church for a while, then went outside for a cap gun fight, and a football game. That night at the Kolbs we revisited Mazzio's Pizza and Braum's ice cream, and then sat down to watch a movie that night. We visited the Moore's the next day and ate all their choc. chip cookies.

For a two day trip, it was indeed one of the best vacations ever.

And yet again, tommorrow we will be headed for Iowa, to gather our belongings for the new house here. Until next weekend I'm OUT. Oh, and the Red Sox are atop their division again, after beating the Yankees last night 5-3, at 21-13. Now I'M OUT.


Elizabeth Pruett said...

It was good to see you and your family! Have a good time in Iowa.

Keebler the Elf said...

Thanks Elizabeth. I'll have to say that going to Oklahoma was one of the best vacations I've ever had.

Keebler the Elf said...

MVB, the Red Sox are only playing around with the Yankees. They'll be back. :)