Thursday, February 16, 2006

WHO IS THE WINNER!!!????!!!!!

Hello my friends, it has been fun. Now, it is time to announce the winners. Drum roll............. and the winner is, OH HELP, I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have a tie!!!!! I need a vote between these two.

Twain or Speed JR., which will it be? Cast your vote in the comments section. As soon as I have ten votes, the winner will be announced. So hurry up and vote!!! The runner up will be decided after the winner is decided. The runner up candidates will be between one of these two (Twain or Speed JR.), and Dollface.

Thank you, and please VVVVVVOOOOOOOTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


David Moore said...

My Vote is "Twain"

Elizabeth Pruett said...

Markus, how fast are you? I will use this data in making my decision.

Michael, how fast do you think he is?

Anonymous said...

David told me to vote for his pick, so here I am. You have a very nice blog. I'll need to check back here more often!

My Vote is "Twain"

Wholesome Works said...


I wouldn’t forget a fellow bass recorder player.

Sorry I missed your nickname contest. I would have submitted “Sparkius”.

From the choices I have been given...

I choose Speed... Jr.


Elizabeth Pruett said...

"Sparky said...
This is great. Now in answer to your question, no, I am not very fast. It is a sort of joke, because I am actually sort of slow for a Reuter. My grandpa ran a 10.5 something seconds in the hundred meters. Even my dad was extremely fast before he blew out his knee at age twenty five. I like both nickname choices, so I won't care which one you pick."

I said,

Thanks for answering! I am still considering the options and will vote soon.

Elizabeth Pruett said...

I am torn between the two nicknames, but I have decided on Speed. Forgive me, David!