Saturday, August 06, 2005

Cheating shows lack of sportsmanship, mars records of certain players

In an age where cheating is in abundance, many of today's superstars are using some sort of illegal performance enhancing drug. As a Christian, I believe that if you cannot work hard to improve your athletic talent and be satisfied with the amount of talent that God gives to you, why play any sport? I once heard an old saying that states, "Cheaters never prosper." What that means is that if you cheat, the consequences are unavoidable, whether dealt out on earth in heaven. Certain Major Leaguers and Minor Leaguers have been caught taking drugs. Some, such as Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Rafael Palmiero are shoo-in Hall of Famers. The question is, could they have produced the numbers they have produced without steroids? That is the question I hope Hall voters consider before voting these men into the Hall of Fame. One thing is for certain. It appears that the players in question do not think of being godly role models to young men and women. That is a despicable thing. So now I speak to the next generation of athletes. Please, if you are reading this article, please realize that you decide the path of our country. Realize that what you do now, and later in life will either lead to the rising of a strong, Christian, free country or will only lead to our downfall. Remember not to cheat, but remember to work hard and earn your success. Success will not come to you through cheating, you must seize it by working hard, and make your own success. God bless you.


1 comment:

Robert W Moore said...

...Good thoughts here. Thank you for writing this article. God is the one who gives us the ability to work hard. Our diligence -- coupled with total dependence upon God's grace -- brings a reward.

Thanks again.